Saturday, 27 March 2021

She Spies Whose Stories Inspired Must-Watch Movies


The second World War saw the rise of female spies. Many brave women went above and beyond the call of duty to bring down the Third Reich; they endured grueling training, life-threatening situations, betrayal, prison and torture, while some even made the ultimate sacrifice in order to protect the cause and bring an end to Nazism. Enemy of the Reich follows the story of a quiet, unassuming yet determined young woman who exceeded all expectations to give the Allied forces a chance at victory. The White Mouse tells the tale of a real-life version of Marvel’s Black Widow. Bold, elusive and badass, she was among the Gestapo’s most wanted, but that didn’t stop her from playing a key role in the French resistance. There is also an Australian mini-series inspired by her exploits. 

Noor Inayat Khan – The Muslim Girl Who Defied the Nazis

                                                                                                                       (Source - ThoughtCo)

A descendant of Indian nobility, Noor Inayat Khan was a British spy and agent of the Special Operations Executive during World War II. She was the first female wireless operator sent from Britain to aid the French Resistance, following the German occupation of France. 

When the second World War broke out, Noor joined the Women's Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF) and was sent to be trained as a wireless operator. She was later recruited to join the Special Operations Executive where she received training to be a wireless operator in occupied and hostile territory. 

Noor's first mission was also to be her last. The job of an operator was to maintain a connection between the circuit in the field and London. Without this connection it was almost impossible for any resistance strategy to be coordinated, but the operators were highly vulnerable to detection, which kept on improving as the war progressed. 

Despite the doubts of her fellow agents and other perceived shortcomings, Noor's fluent French and her competency in wireless operation made her an ideal candidate for service in occupied France. However, Noor was eventually betrayed, arrested and interrogated at the SD Headquarters in Paris. After two escape attempts, Noor was taken to Germany and kept shackled in solitary confinement at Pforzheim.

After the war, the prison director later testified that despite the appalling treatment she received, Noor remained uncooperative and continued to refuse to give any information on her work or her fellow operatives. She was transferred to Dachau concentration camp with fellow agents Yolande Beekman, Madeleine Damerment and Eliane Plewman. At dawn on the 13th of September, Noor Inayat Khan and the other three women were executed.

For her bravery and dedication, Noor was posthumously awarded the George Cross for her service in the SOE, the highest civilian decoration in the United Kingdom.

"I wish some Indians would win high military distinction in this war. If one or two could do something in the Allied service, which was very brave and which everybody admired it would help to make a bridge between the English people and the Indians." 

Nancy Wake – The White Mouse

(Source - Defense Media Network)

Nancy Wake was a nurse and journalist. When the second World War began, she was living in France with her husband, Henri Fiocca, and worked as an ambulance driver. After the fall of France, she became a part of the escape network of Captain Ian Garrow, which was known as the Pat O’Leary Line, where she helped Allied airmen evade capture and escape to Spain. Despite the Gestapo tapping her telephone and intercepting her mail, Nancy continued to elude capture. This uncanny ability earned her the nickname – “White Mouse” by the Gestapo. 

However, the network was eventually betrayed and Nancy fled to Britain, while her husband stayed behind. In Britain, Nancy joined the Special Operations Executive and received training in several programs. 

Nancy later returned to France as a member of a three-person SOE team code named “Freelance”. Their mission was to serve as liaisons between the SOE and several Marquis groups in the Auvergne region. She participated in a battle between the Marquis and a large German force in June 1944. In the aftermath of the battle, which saw the resistant fighters retreat before the large German attack, Nancy rode a borrowed bicycle to Chateauroux, found a radio there updated London on the situation and bicycled back to Saint-Santin, traveling 500 kilometers (310 mi) in 72 hours. 

After the battle, the Freelance team joined the resistance group of Henri Tardivat. The group carried out a series of attacks on enemy convoys, and at one point fought off an attack on their camp by the Germans. However, Nancy’s main task was to organize the reception and distribution of arms and material for the resistance groups, which were regularly parachuted into Allier. Nancy also participated in the raid that destroyed one of the Gestapo headquarters in France.

The Allied victory was bitter-sweet to Nancy, for she learned that her husband whom she had not seen or heard from for three years had been captured, tortured and executed by the Gestapo following her escape from France in 1942. 

For her services Nancy received the George Medal from the United Kingdom, the Medal of Freedom from the United States and the Légion d'honneur from France, as well as medals from Australia and New Zealand. She published her autobiography in 1985, which was titled, ‘The White Mouse’.  Nancy passed away on the 7th of August 2011, in London, 23 day before her 99th birthday. 


Monday, 1 February 2021

Motherhood: Getting Through the 1st Trimester


    Source: What To Expect Forums

On the 22nd of October last year, my gynecologist confirmed what my husband and I had suspected for a few days. I was 5 weeks pregnant!

To say that the news was unexpected would be a definite understatement. I had such a hard time wrapping my head around it that it wasn’t until I got the results of the HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) test, which showed the fetus’ development, that I finally allowed the news to sink in. 

We shared the news with our immediate family and a few close friends that weekend, but decided to wait until we’d passed the 3 month point to share the news with the rest of our family and friends.

I am now 19 weeks pregnant and have started to feel the teeny tiny movements of my growing son or daughter. (I don’t plan to know the gender until he or she is born).

My reasons for adding this category to my blog are - 

1. Over the past 4 months, I came to notice that there weren’t many blogs or websites by Sri Lankan moms for Sri Lankan moms.

2. As this is my first pregnancy, I am no expert in the matter, but I hope to share with you all as much about my new journey as possible as well as some tips and remedies that have helped me deal with some of the changes and challenges that come with pregnancy. A lot of these are based on the advice I myself receive from my mom (an experienced nurse), gynecologist, family, friends and midwife. 

I hope that this new addition will be helpful to my readers. To begin with, here are a few of the symptoms I went through during my thankfully-completed first trimester, and some of the tips and remedies that helped me deal with the worst of it.

Nausea – Unlike most moms-to-be, I suffered from night sickness rather than morning sickness (not that the mornings were so great either). While a friend recommended lime, I found that oranges worked better for me. I even began keeping a container of orange peels in my freezer, which I would put into boiling water for inhalations. Some recommend sucking on ice cubes or lollipops, but neither of these worked for me. Hopefully, they work for some of my readers.

Another thing that helped me was plain tea with a few tiny pieces of ginger at the bottom of the cup. The scent and subtle taste of the ginger mixed with the tea always gave me a tremendous feeling of relief from the nausea. My husband would make it for me on those really rough nights. You do need to be mindful that there is a limit as to the amount of ginger an expectant mom is supposed to intake. (Though the precise amount may differ depending on the source) I myself never ate any of the pieces of ginger and my midwife recommended that I have my “special tea” just a few times a week. 

Constant bad taste – Not all women suffer from this, and the frequency and precise taste differs from woman to woman. For me, my mouth constantly tasted like I hadn’t brushed my teeth, which mind you I did. There were times that this and the nausea went hand in hand. I couldn’t even drink water without becoming nauseous. Throughout the first trimester I kept myself hydrated on liquids like Jeevani, thambili, tea, ginger beer and fruit juices (mostly orange), while I used whatever spicy or sweet foods, I could get my hands on to keep the awful taste away. 

Heartburn – The remedy for this came straight from my mom and it worked every single time I got that horrible burning sensation in my chest. You need to start by slowly drinking a glass of water or milk. After a little while you can snack on a few biscuits. I’ve found that cream crackers work best for me, but to each her own. 

Sudden bouts of fatigue and light headedness – There really is no remedy for the waves of exhaustion that may strike when you least expect it. At first, I would try to push through and keep working, but I’d just end up feeling almost out of breath as if I’d run a relay. So, I began to take small breaks whenever I started feeling tired and it really helped stave off the worst. 

I know it may seem strange and disconcerting to feel so tired and or light headed when all you’re doing is your usual house or office work. But keep in mind that your body is working differently now in order to nurture and grow that little life inside you. 

    Source: Healthline

I also heartily recommend investing in a bottle of Bio-oil to prevent stretch marks. I prefer Bio-oil because of its smell and the fact that its texture very different from usual body oils, which are often runny or sticky. Plus, it’s long lasting.

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